The Tasiemkowa Mafia kennel is a dachshund’s love story.

After many talks with owners of different breeds and carefull thinking, my choice came down to the dachshund.
And what a happy choice it has proven to be !
The dachshund with its very decided but very affectionate personality, its ability and keenness to hunt but its clown attitude in the house was really the right breed for me.
Moreover the small size and short hair were positive aspects to confirm my choise.
My first dog “Bonza” had all these great dachshund characteristics and thus Tasiemkowa Mafia was started.
More joys and fun came as I started doing shows, was congratulated by the jury, when I did find him a female and the first pups were born who recieved the name “Tasiemkowa Mafia”.
Then came the pleasures of finding new homes for the pups: the friendship with the new owners, the news that the puppy was “very well “, people asking for a second dog, etc….
When I, later on, started with my first rabbit-dachshund all the joys, fun and the pride of a job well done started all over again.
Thus I have been able to live my passion with the dachshund twice.
To me those dogs are truly the best, I think the world of them !
A passion of 30 years which is still going strong !!!

Tasiemkowa Mafia Tasiemkowa Mafia Tasiemkowa Mafia Tasiemkowa Mafia Tasiemkowa Mafia Tasiemkowa Mafia Tasiemkowa Mafia Tasiemkowa Mafia


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